It’s been a busy week. I’ve not posted quick updates because I left my tablet in Dallas (it’s safe), the hotel wifi didn’t want to connect, and my definition of “volunteer to work” doesn’t include a lot of time for personal activities.
Tuesday morning, as soon as my cousin and I were discussing plans for the day, I got a text from Deaf Bible Society. We made a plan for me to arrive Wednesday at 8am. The 30 mile journey is only quick for crows because they don’t have to deal with traffic…I started out at 5:30 per recommendation and arrived in time to have some breakfast before rolling up my sleeves. The sunrise was worth it.

My contact had a list of options prepared for me, we quickly settled one or two and I’ve managed to work through all tasks but one. (That one will take a very long time.)
I’d be fan-girling too much if I told you where my designated work space has been. Let’s just say it’s fun to put a personality and conversation to the faces I’ve seen on some of our video content. You’ll have to watch Season 5 of Dr. Wonder’s Workshop and guess! (I also visited with one of those video faces last week at Isaiah’s Place.)
As if that weren’t enough, I also got a few seconds of smile-and-wave time with the executive directors of Deaf Bible Society and Deaf Missions. I love the family atmosphere of Deaf Christians – it’s one of those things that you only understand through experience, and it’s beautiful! These guys have no big reason to know me, but the community is tight enough that they do.
My visit has been lovely, once again I feel comfortable and welcome in a Deaf environment, and I only had to call in the reinforcements (interpreter) once. Yes, I had more than two real conversations in sign! I’ve been told that there are some fresh job postings out today. I’ll be looking into them, and we’ll see what happens next.
This evening, I’m headed toward Houston with plans to attend church with the Isaiah’s Place chaplain and his family. While I’m “in the area,” I may as well check in with other cousins – it’s only a four hour drive, according to Google.