That would be June/July, or that stuttering deer-in-the-headlights mode one gets instantly thrown into when asked for an update. I’m familiar with that mode… Fortunately, this time of year lends itself to the word, since June and July have the same first halves. It also suggests a chewy stick-to-your-gums fruit candy (I prefer Spree, candy and otherwise). Here’s a very late update…
Since there are several topics, I’ll throw an accordion in here. No, not the instrument, a blogging tool that lets one choose which topic they want more info on, and expand text “accordionly” (yes, accordingly).
Summer Fun – KY, Chicago, & Camp Meeting
The big thing every year is June Meetin’ – family reunion in KY on the Tug River. It was a smaller turnout this year and I wasn’t able to attend, but I sent a quilt for the auction. My cousin bought it for his granddaughter who enjoys those colors. I’m told #102 was still a nice gathering and a celebration of family. That’s the whole point.
Every two years, the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) has a conference, and this year it was in Chicago. I went, for the first time since 2014, and it was also a smaller crowd. My aunt would be proud that I finally became a bag-totin’ bus rider, having booked a room a few blocks (11, actually) up Michigan Street from the conference venue. My trusty FitBit went on the fritz a couple weeks prior, so I have no evidence of the many steps that would make my cardiologist happy. Sadly, there was no swimming pool or hot tub at my hotel. Its claim to fame is that it was once an Al Capone Speakeasy and has a light-up ballroom floor (which standard guests didn’t have access to).
This week is our annual Nazarene Camp Meeting in Logan. I’ve not been there since 2008, and it also has a smaller turnout than when I last saw it. I was among the last to arrive at a packed service Sunday night, and sat in the back row. There’s no interpreter as there was in the old days, but we’ve not invited folk to make a need for one. I did get to connect with a few people I was anxious to see again, and that’s always good. Among those are three ladies who nudged me further down the path toward signing ministry. A person who has some limitations and enjoyed the interpretations, her mom, and one of the interpreters. The interpreter and I will be in touch, and what a joy that is!
Weather – really??
Ohio apparently got a peek at the calendar, as we have some 80-90 temperatures in the books now. We also have some early corn, and who knows what other crops are a bit off-cycle? Meanwhile, overnights still want a quilt on the bed, as the temperatures dip into the 60’s. The adage holds true, if you don’t like the weather, wait 10 minutes…
Parents – status quo
Parents are continuing in reasonable health.
Dad recently had meniscus (knee) surgery, a quick outpatient procedure with quick recovery time. Now that the anesthetics & adrenaline have worn off, his knee hurts a bit, but not like it did when the adventure started. The doctor said he may have overdone it, so now he’s giving it the rest & recovery it asks for.
Mom is a bit less energetic. Her system relies on a monthly injection, and that hasn’t been available recently due to an Alzheimer’s glitch. We’re doing what we can and she’s been holding the couch firmly in place.
Ministry – slow progress
Friendships are growing at a nearby Deaf Church, and there’s a mutual joy in seeing one another. There are also connections to my North Indiana and circa 2000 Deaf groups, which can’t help but make me smile.
I recently got to see someone jump into a place of service and responsibility in a church gathering. My mind played back to her childhood and the times I saw her growing up in the encouragement of the ASL community. It was one of those full-circle moments, and a great joy to share it with her dad who made the decision to embrace ASL years ago.
That confidence, and the ability to know and share Jesus, is what the ministry of Silent Blessings, now Deaf Kids Connect, is about. Yes, I left that ministry after 11 years, but I haven’t left the calling, which takes me to another update.
I’m working on an entity for creating independent & interactive biblical resources in ASL for all ages. Ok, all ages who can process complete sentences/questions. A stop by the Chamber of Commerce led to a referral who may become a business mentor if not a partner. (Deafness is a life thing, overlapping much.) Once more is ready, I can go back to my contacts/resources and move forward with getting some multiple choice question/answer videos created and assembled. There are two sets somewhat scripted, Goliath and Esther. The stories are important for biblical literacy and learning how all things fit together, but since God doesn’t change, they’re also important for the lessons we can apply to our lives. (Such as bullies and approaching authorities.)
The NAD trip to Chicago was a deliberate ministry effort, and I can say a few seeds were planted, and God’s got charge of the rest (He always does). I chatted with some about Jesus, and with others about the need for Deaf outreach. It is my hope and expectation that I can develop some of the relationships that got started, and be able to fulfill my calling, “to introduce Deaf people to the biblical Jesus before they leave the planet or I do.” That’s still the objective, although it looks a bit more Gladys Aylward than David Livingstone. (Both faithful people to look up to.)
I intend to write another article with a trip report and indication of expenses. Transparency is huge for me (so is the paper pile in my office).
The VBS at the local hearing church is now one week out, and I admit to not taking my own advice of preparing early and often. My task is to learn and share the music, complete with motions, some of which come from ASL, and youth-inspiring energy. (There’s a prayer request in there!!) The kids (K-5th) will learn about Jesus’ arrival, healing, provision, comfort, and that even in His departure, He is still with us.
This is a faith outreach project, as there are currently no children in attendance at Daybreak CCCU of Etna. Consider this your invitation to join us, either bringing young’uns or volunteering to encourage and corral as needed. It’ll be 6-8 July 29-Aug 2, with a wrap-up program on Sunday Aug 4. Fliers were mailed to every household within a mile (or on those postal routes).
Sewing – visible progress
One of the quilts was finished & sent to KY for our annual family auction. It’s the second shown below, a “racer” pattern where fabric strips are sewn together in semi-random lengths. I’ve since seen something similar where the overall effect is squares/diamonds on a background. That’s on my list to try.
The first shown, with blue backing, is “Batik Jazz.” It was quilted on a longarm, the pattern has several instruments on it. The other two are awaiting borders then batting, backing, and binding.
A long delayed baby quilt and a cupcake themed quilt are currently in the works, as is a set of porch swing seats.

Update Letters – not yet sent
The pile of papers on my desk includes a box of letters and a packet of address labels. I’ll now need to add and/or replace some more up-to-date material. I was once such a good secretary – I need to clone my former self to help my current self get/stay on top of things. By the way, did I mention yet that I ran into a former boss recently, a total gift from the Father who likes giving pleasant surprises. (Like the one in another post I’ve yet to write.)
’til next time…
The previous article mentions a donation path, building this year’s Christmas list, and activities with mom. The short answer is, I’m working on them. I’m thinking we’ll soon start on a cookie recipe each week to have a planned activity and prepare for Christmas. As always, we’ll see, and I’ll try to keep you updated.