Can anything warm the heart and squeeze the life out of it more than these words?
Author: Janeen Jarrell
The Tax Man Goeth
Jesus, be with this man’s four daughters who lost not only their father, but his father just this week.
Surprise, Surprise!
Thanks to a sponsor, I made arrangements to return to ministry #2 for a week.
My Mountain
Mountains are lovely to look at, as long as they’re not blocking a better view or a necessary path. When that happens, we need the Mountain Mover.
Schedule Adjustment
The last post said I was headed for Houston… not so fast…
Ministry Two (and checkmarks!)
My visit has been lovely, once again I feel comfortable and welcome in a Deaf environment, and I only had to call in the reinforcements (interpreter) once. Yes, I had more than two real conversations in sign!
I Want You on My Team
What I can say with confidence is that God wants me on His team, and He has purpose in every moment of play-time or bench-time.
The Only Constant is…
God NEVER changes – His promises will be kept, no matter what. So, there are two constants: Change and God.
Let the Games Begin!
It’s camp after all, and camp isn’t the same without games.
Excitement is Growing!
The plan is to volunteer with two ministries while I’m in the area, preparing for my next Divine assignment. I’ve contacted both, and there’s a solid plan to spend a week at Isaiah’s Place next week. During that week, they will have a major deaf retreat, and yours truly has been invited to bring the…… Continue reading Excitement is Growing!