
person counting cash money
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

I came to my awareness, or paying attention to the outer world & news & such, while televangelists were being called out left & right for selfish expenditures. These were paid for by faithful people intending to grow God’s Kingdom by giving to His workers. That impacted me, still does. I want to be accountable for every gift, especially to those who are giving.

Phase One of that has been to direct gifts to the ministry and receive them back as wages. Phase Two would have been to create a team of overseers who have free access to the ledger – but that fell through. Everyone, including me, has many conflicting and overlapping responsibilities, so adding this to the mix didn’t work. Phase Three is in development – I intend to make an overview of accounts available to donors, and some of that information available to all web viewers. This will be that place.

For the moment, know that one of my proudest accomplishments is reporting that a coworker and I were on the road for a couple of weeks, and averaged $10 daily on food without mooching, starving, or subsisting on peanut butter.

God does provide, He does bless, and He is honored by gifts – may I honor givers, and Him, also.