Welcome to January 2025. Still keeping your resolutions? I actually didn’t make any out loud (or in sign). I’m 8 for 8 in one goal; having an accountability community helps.
Here’s the current status report, it being January and all:
I’m in the guest room at my parents’ home in Ohio. The question of whether to trade full-time employment for a private roof is indeed a strong one, but my departure for ministry in ’09 was on purpose, as was my return to Columbus in ’24. Jesus isn’t surprised, I’m well taken care of, and it’s time to be more available to my folks than a 4-hour drive. A private roof requires a verifiable income of $3k/mo…and there’s a school note still begging to be paid.
I’m no longer with Silent Blessings, dba Deaf Kids Connect. They’re focusing on building a network between impacted families and training them to work with their kids directly in teaching foundational truths of the Bible. I’m neither Deaf, a parent, an educator, nor a fundraiser. I was there when needed to get the ministry through some transitions, finish Dr Wonder’s Workshop, and build some meaningful relationships. That season is done, as we knew someday it would be.
Now is a good time to restate that funds donated to Deaf Kids Connect (formerly Silent Blessings) stay with the ministry. This includes funds donated on my behalf, which went toward my salary until April 2024.
I’m focusing on parent-care and doing what I can from Ohio, including participation in a Deaf church in New Albany and monthly deaf-led secular gatherings in Columbus. Any donations I receive for Deaf Ministry are deposited into a designated bank account, currently at $3,161.38. These funds have been applied to attending Deaf events and will hopefully be applied to developing short interactive video resources. Any such gifts are _not_ tax deductible.
I looked into establishing a non-profit, but startup admin fees would empty the account. Additionally, there’s writing documents, identifying a board who will be committed to volunteer roles, and more. Better to be adopted by an existing ministry with similar goals and the skills to get the job done. As one radio network states, that’s news to pray for.
I’m currently working part-time at a local fabric shop, as well as participating in a weekly quilting group. It may sound frivolous at first blush, but don’t underestimate the ministry opportunities that come from just “being there” and sharing life with people. Look around at your neighbors, coworkers, grocery clerks, or members of your social club(s) – are some of them a mission field to which you’ve been assigned?
As for my various communities and relationships, I’m woefully behind in touching base with almost all. If only some form of ESP could work each time I thought of you. Please know it’s far more than evidence suggests.
I thought I’d be farther along in writing, whether blog articles, children’s books, or the novel that won’t go away. Any seasoned writer will tell you that it takes time in a chair with a writing tool nearby. I was in such a group in Indiana until Covid made a mess of things. Over the 8 months in Ohio, it’s been an unpredictable mix of parent-care, discouragement, and a squirrel-esque indecisiveness that usually leads to roadkill. The list of writing ideas is long and growing, as is the pile of fabric I can convert to quilts & such. Time in a chair, focused on a creative task? We’ll just say, it’s news to pray for.
And with that, I’ll restate my current core phrase: Jesus isn’t surprised, and I’m well taken care of.
We’re one week into the new year – How ya doin’?